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Sat, April 14, 10:45 am Human Rights Shabbat at the Self Help Home

Please join in for Makom's annual lay-led service which will honor the heroes and survivors of the Shoah and explore the right to refuge from persecution at our own time in world history.  

We are privileged to be able to hold this Remembrance at SelfHelp, which was originally established by the German Jewish community in Chicago as a home for aging Holocaust survivors. 

    The service will be preceded by the showing of the award-winning movie, Refuge, about the history of the SelfHelp home ( ) at 9:30 am in the theater at SelfHelp.

    The service/discussion will last approx. 1 hour, and followed by (kosher) lunch with residents for those who are interested, at $20 per person, please RSVP to Jonathan Schwartz at

Any Makom member who has any readings or songs to contribute  to the service, or otherwise wants to actively participate, please contact Eve Pinsker at  

There is limited parking in the back of Self Help, from the alley west of the building. Call 773-271-0300 (office) to lift the gate.