Become a Member
DONATE TO MAKOM (or join at another level)
Sign up for our newsletter



We want membership to be available to everyone. We have an income-based scale, for individuals and households.

5785 2024-25 Membership Dues Table

Income Individual   Household
<= $50k 275 375
$50k-$90k 400 500
$90k-$130k     600 750
>=$130k 900 1100
or retired

Associate/Retired Level

Associate/Retired level is for when the higher dues are not appropriate.

If you are retired, or you want to maintain a connection with or demonstrate support for the community while involved in another synagogue or religious community, or for other reasons find the other lines on the dues table to be not appropriate.

Associate level is ordinary membership, it is merely how we label the level in the table.


High Holiday Tickets Only

You can get tickets for one, two, or all services.

The 2024/5785 services are:
— Rosh Hashana Evening, Wed. Oct 2
— Rosh Hashana Morning, Thu. Oct 3
— Yom Kippur Evening, Fri. Oct 10
— Yom Kippur Morning, Sat. Oct 11

Of course no tickets are needed for:
— Yom Kippur Yizkor, Mincha, Ne’ilah
Afternoon, Sat. Oct 11

We will send the zoom links for services to all ticket holders.



If you have questions about Makom Shalom Membership, please fill out the form below and one of our staff members will get back to you.


Membership payment, partial or full:

  • Membership includes High Holiday services.

  • We will contact you for information to add to our membership list.

  • Makom is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, dues and donations are tax-deductible.

If you need to pay a different amount than what the drop-down box shows, or can pay only partially now and the rest later, you may do that by using the “donate” button below. Include information in the comment.
We will welcome you.

Suggested Levels
Member name(s)
Questions, comments, requests?

If you prefer to send a check in the mail:

Makom Shalom
PO Box 10015
Chicago, IL 60610-0015

Join us for High Holy Days (tickets only)
You don’t need to specify which services you will attend when you buy your tickets.

Number of High Holiday services
Message or special request

Donate to Makom Shalom

If you wish to pay your membership dues using a dollar amount not offered above OR if you wish to make a donation, please use the "Donate" button below.

Makom is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, dues and donations are tax-deductible.


The newsletter comes out approximately every two weeks containing news of congregation events, yahrzeits and news of our congregants, and the occasional recipes, jokes and whatnot.

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