The Makom Board invites all Makom Shalom Congregation Members to our Annual Community Meeting. Your voices are crucial in charting Makom Shalom's future. Come share your thoughts, ideas and opinions.
Annual Community Meeting
Sunday, January 13, 1:00 to 4:30 PM
At the "Annex" (Jaqi’s South Loop meeting room. RSVP for address)
Kick off the new year with MAKOM'S POP-UP FUNDRAISER!!
The 1st Annual Community Meeting BAKE SALE!
Bring homemade or store bought cake, pie, brownies, or cookies, bagged by the dozen, or other baked good items to be sold at our 1st Annual Community Meeting Bake Sale. $5 per generous slice, or per dozen cookies. Cakes and pies will sell for $20 and $25 depending on the specific item.
There will be time to enjoy goodies at the meeting along with complimentary coffee and tea provided by the Makom Board. (Pot luck snacks are no longer needed, thanks!)
All proceeds go directly to securing Makom's future.
Stay tuned for more fundraising opportunities coming soon to the shul you love!
The Makom Shalom Board,
Roberta Cohen, Bob Sallinger, Annie Sindelar, Ruth Kaan, Linda Touchstone