In Response to Pittsburgh - a note from Reva Freedman

My father grew up in Squirrel Hill during the Depression. He celebrated his bar mitzva at Tree of Life in 1940.

I lived in Squirrel Hill during 1998-2000 while studying at Pitt. I belonged to Dor Hadash, which rents space from Tree of Life. Dor Hadash is a member-led congregation, although they have a wonderful female rabbi/cantor who leads some of the services. They are Reconstructionists, like to sing, and (mostly) politically liberal. Sounds like Makom to you?

Conversation with Mossawa

Conversation with Mossawa

The biggest takeaway for me from the recent (October 6) Makom-sponsored “Conversation with

Mossawa” was that Palestinian-Israeli peace activists hope to build a network of people and

organizations, churches, synagogues, etc. in the United States who will actively speak out against

Israel’s recently passed Jewish Nation State law and urge their elected reps to do likewise.


Makom Shalom is the Hebrew term for a place of peace, and aptly describes our congregation.  We are a welcoming community, embracing Jews and non-Jews of every color, sexual orientation, and belief.  We fly no national flags and welcome divergent views on the challenging issues of our time.  We can (and often do) disagree on issues -- and yet we still love, embrace and respect each other.   In this space, members and visitors are encouraged to share their experiences at Makom, their beliefs and values, and their own stories.   Respectful commentary is welcome.