Hope you can come to the special (2nd) Rosh Chodesh on April 22. Rachel Goldberg, whom some of us enjoyed at our last RC session, has agreed to come on April 22 and facilitate our entire session so that we can experience her more fully. Many of us expressed experiencing a fulfilling kind of spirituality and gentle structure at her last meeting. Rachel is an intern at Mishkan and is about to start training to be a Renewal rabbi. Her father, the musician Al Goldberg, is known to many of you.
Rosh Chodesh literally means “head of the month,” referring to the New Moon that begins each month in the Hebrew calendar. The traditional association for women may derive from a linkage between the lunar cycle and a women’s body cycles. Our monthly meetings offer the women of Makom an opportunity to deepen our relationships, strengthen our community, and support each other. For more information about the location of this month's Rosh Chodesh, please e-mail Jaqi at Jaqi.MakomShalom@gmail.com.