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Jun 2, 3:00 PM Rosh Chodesh at EncounterPoint in Edgewater

Rosh Chodesh literally means “head of the month,” referring to the New Moon that begins each month in the Hebrew calendar.  The traditional association for women may derive from a linkage between the lunar cycle and a women’s body cycles.

Facilitator: Carol Sherman

RSVP to by May 30th – upon receiving your RSVP I will email address and free parking passes. 

Sivan: Reaching Your Full Potential

Two moons ago, in the month of Nissan, we started our journey to freedom with the ritual storytelling of Passover, freeing ourselves from the personal pharaohs prohibiting us from becoming our most expansive selves. This month, in Iyar, we're taking the first steps in our new freedom. We're healing; making time to transform everything we’d experienced as slaves into a newfound sense of wholeness and well-being. Now, in the next month of Sivan, it’s time again to harvest.

 Makom's Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle is a sacred space for women of our community to come together and connect about what is going on for us emotionally and spiritually. As an ancient Jewish ritual of marking the passing of time by the new moon and constellations, we frame our conversations and self-reflection around these same energetic themes and observe how they have shaped so much of the Jewish calendar.

This is a members only group, if you’d like to join us, you need only become a member of Makom Shalom.