Sun, Aug 26, 10:30 am - 12 noon, Preparing for the High Holy Days
As we approach the High Holy Days, that period of awe and redemption, and in the spirit of the pre-Rosh Hashanah Selichot, this program will allow us to explore the concepts of forgiveness and return, through text study, discussion, modern writings and poetry. As we work with these concepts, we'll also have an opportunity to write our own text - and so add to the sacred canon of our people, creating The Book of Forgiveness.
Regardless your level of Jewish/text study, all are welcome. If you've never written, no worries! This workshop will combine lively discussion and creative imagining. A good time will be had by all.
The program will be led by nationally-acclaimed poet and writer Stacey Zisook Robinson.
About the parking . . . We use the lot for the Sacred Heart school, which is on the southeast corner of Granville and Kenmore. With a printed permit on your dashboard, you can safely park there. You can RSVP to Jaqi for address of Service and for Parking Permit. Annie will also print hard copies for people to use on the day of the event.