Only the front door to Church is open, if you park in lot, you need to walk around to front door.
High Holiday ticket rates are as follows...
Adults $100 per service, or $350 for all 4 services (Purchase of $350 gets first year of membership included)
Seniors $75/service
Young adults 19-26 $18/service
18 and under free
Get your tickets here!
Come spend the whole day with us or attend as much as you like. Childcare will be available during the October 9 morning services (9:30-1:30), Please indicate on your ticket purchase if you need childcare and for how many children.
Our schedule and events include:
Yom Kippur Day 10/9, 9:45 AM morning services
Yom Kippur Afternoon Bridge Program
Part 1 - 2:00 to 3:15
“Not Your Grandparents’ Union” will feature two union organizers, Eric Rodriguez and Chris Waltz. From them, we will hear what labor unions are doing today in this time of economic uncertainty.
Part 2 - 3:30 to 4:10
Adriana Liwsky, Makom congregant, will guide us in an introspective shift from asking for forgiveness to returning to our "at-one-ness"; and looking ahead into the New Year. We will consciously choose intentions to seal into our hearts and you will inscribe them in your own Book of Life.
Part 3 – 4:15 to 5:00
Congregant Sandra Shifrin will facilitate small group discussions in which members and guests can share memories of their dear departed.
Return to Sanctuary for remainder of services
5:30 Traditional Yizkor
6:15 Ne'ilah (Closing services, final blowing of the Shofar)
7:00 Breaking of the Fast — Please RSVP to to say you plan to attend so we have enough food to share.
There is a small lot behind Broadway UMC and there is usually plenty of metered street parking. There are also several public garages in the area.
Use the Spot Hero app or website ( to find parking near Broadway United, often at a reasonable rate. Spot Hero can direct you to many available spaces in the neighborhood, some in public garages, some in public lots, and some on private property.
36 Broadway stops at corner of Broadway and Roscoe
22 Clark stops at Clark and Aldine
77 Belmont stops at Belmont and Broadway
146 Express stops at LSD and Roscoe
Both the Red and Brown lines (and Purple during rush hour) stop at Belmont