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Shabbat Torah Study, Independence Day Weekend

We are pleased to announce the return of Rabbi Charna Rosenholtz for our in person Torah Study on Saturday, July 3, at 10:30 AM at Broadway United Methodist Church. The Torah section will be Parsha Pinchas, which is about the rights of women to be the recipient of an inheritance.

And in honor of Independence Day Weekend there will be a social justice segment by Ina Marks.

The event will be outdoors, on the patio on the west side of the church. In the event of rain it will be indoors.

Rabbi Charna Rosenholtz, MA, is an accomplished teacher, specializing in psychospiritual growth and applications of spiritual wisdom. Ordained as a Rabbi by Aleph Ordination Program and as a Hebrew wisdom teacher (Maggid) by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi and Rabbi Tirzah Firestone, Reb Charna is currently the Reb Zalman Scholar in Residence at Congregation Nevei Kodesh in Boulder CO.

Earlier Event: June 20
Book Club: All the Rivers
Later Event: July 24
Movie Club