Become a Member
donate to Makom (or join at another level)
OY! Synagogue membership! Why do they always have to bring up joining as a member????
You may have noticed that we use the word “community” a lot. Our community entails a diverse, dedicated, and caring group of individuals and families. We welcome people wherever they are in their Jewish practices and traditions – including those who are new to Judaism and are just curious. We are a contemporary Jewish Renewal synagogue that is joyous, creative, spiritually rich and inspiring, socially progressive, egalitarian, and earth-aware. Our community members play an active role in our congregation. Members lead services, learn together, provide support to each other in times of illness through our Bikur Cholim ("visiting the sick") committee, and have a voice in the way we study, pray and celebrate.
While all of this is important – even essential – to who we are as a community and a congregation, membership dues are also necessary, for professionals who lead some of our events, for web and e-mail services, a post office box, and all the rest. So, while we welcome all to celebrate and study with us, we would be especially pleased if you were to join us!
We want membership to be available to everyone. Therefore, our dues are relatively low. If the dues are beyond your ability to pay, please pay what you feel is fair that you can afford. Our "fair share" approach is based on an honor system to reflect our awareness that each of our members has unique circumstances and resources.
You can also enter your information in the Questions white boxes below and right, and we will send you more information about membership.
Is makom shalom for you?
Attend one of our services and other events to experience the joy, creativity and spiritually-inspiring spirit of our shul!
Become a Member of Makom Shalom
Make your payment, partial or full:
This year Makom Shalom suggested dues are $360, the same for individual and family memberships. Membership includes High Holiday services.
Non-member High Holiday service attendance is $36 for each service, $108 covers all services for both Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
You can pay dues OR BUY TICKETS here
If you need to pay a different amount than what the drop-down box shows you may do that by using the “donate” button below. We will welcome you.
Pay Dues and Join
High Holidays (Tickets Only)
Join us for High Holy Days (no membership)
If you wish to pay your membership dues using a dollar amount not offered above OR if you wish to make a donation, please use the "Donate" button below.
If you have questions about Makom Shalom Membership, please fill out the form below and one of our staff members will get back to you.