Makom Shalom Stands with Chicago’s Immigrants!
On Sunday, armed federal forces are preparing to enter immigrant communities across Chicago. They plan to seize undocumented people from their homes in preparation for deporting them abroad. If this happens, families will be broken up and communities will be shattered.
As Jews, we carry a long memory of similar traumas acted against our people. We remember when our ancestors were “undocumented”, when their legal existence was similarly fragile before the agents of the state, when we were foreigners and "people of color." For some of us at Makom - myself included - this was as recent as the generation of my parents.
So, tomorrow morning Makom Shalom is leaving the synagogue and taking to the streets.We are relocating our Shabbat services from BUMC to the solidarity rally at Daley Plaza downtown. We are taking a public stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Chicago at their time of peril.
We will meet at Daley Plaza 11 am - 1 pm. We will be joining Jewish congregations in Chicago along with other communities of faith and resistance. If you can make it a little earlier, there will be a Shabbat prayer service 9:15 - 10 am at Daley Plaza.
Looking forward to seeing you downtown tomorrow morning and raising our voices together in solidarity with our city's immigrants!
Shabbat Shalom,
Reb Michael