We are partnering with Kol Hai (https://www.kolhai.org/), a Renewal congregation in the Hudson Valley of New York, to bring you High Holiday services. Kol Hai is led by talented musicians Rabbi Shir Yaakov Feit and Renee Finkelstein. Check out their web page to learn more about their congregation and their albums.
Here are the times and the livestream link for Rosh Hashana morning::
Tuesday Sept. 7th, 9:00 AM Central time.
Click here for the live-stream:
Kol Hai has a Zoom social hall to connect with community during the live-stream. It will open 20 minutes before the scheduled services. In case of technical issues with the live-stream, reconnect with Kol Hai in the social hall:
Meeting ID: 822 8344 3646
Passcode: 181818